Bernadette Diemer
Bernadette Diemer
The labels of the 2016 series were created by Bernadette Diemer. Click the MORE INFO button below to get more information on her work.
Martina Weatherley
Martina Weatherley
The labels of the 2017 series were created by Martina Weatherley. Click the MORE INFO button below to get more information on her work.
Sarah Haag
Sarah Haag
The labels of the 2018 series were created by Sarah Haag. Click the MORE INFO button below to get more information on her work.
Gesa Cowell
Gesa Cowell
The labels of the 2019 series were created by Gesa Cowell. Click the MORE INFO button below to get more information on her work.
Andrea Rudolph
Andrea Rudolph
The labels of the 2020 series were created by Andrea Rudolph. Click the MORE INFO button below to get more information on her work.